
How Visionary Leaders Communicate Their Story

Having a great plan and vision for the company is something that most leaders can work out. Being able to articulate and adequately communicate the journey companywide is a much more difficult task.

Written by

Henrik Jesman Sunde

June 20, 2021

Most C-level executives use all-hands or town hall-style meeting formats to communicate company objectives and values. These meetings are a powerful tool for one-to-many transmissions. They can be very efficient in supporting a growth surge and maintain a unified company culture.

As a starting point, townhall meetings historically have been very successful for company announcements. The real challenge for leaders start when the event ends, now what? How can we ensure that every co-worker in the company aligns with the vision, and feel that they are a part of taking all the small steps that makes the more significant journey?

A diversified channel environment complicates how leaders communicate their vision

To properly communicate a journey within the company, leaders have to be present across channels with tailored content. The message should be consistent with any holistic messaging but also as specific that it can provide value as individual posts.

Here are our main tips on how to articulate and communicate your story properly:

1) Create great content for each channel

Create different types of content designed for each channel that you use. If you’re doing an all-hands, the format will be substantially different from creating an onboarding course or a written announcement in Slack. Sure, you can reuse a lot of the material or script, but nothing is more demotivating than getting an All-hands video post in the chat with a header of «Watch this»

To captivate your audience the content will have to be designed and by compatible with the channel format.

2) Transparency

Be open and receptive to feedback from your organization. Leaders that embrace a more open and proactive communication also enjoy higher trust within the company. It can in some cases be tempting to hide certain information to maintain an artificial stability or delay announcements. Still, in the long run, such a strategy creates much uncertainty and worry among your coworkers.

3) Repeat until you’re weary and then some

It takes much work to get your message out in the organization. Most leaders underestimate this exercise. So keep in your lane and reiterate the message time and time over again in different channels. A great rule of thumb: when you've reached a point where you think «enough is enough. There is no way anyone could miss this » - you probably still have 30% left to go.

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